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Customize menus: Helps removing, moving and renaming menus and menu items Colorize important menu for ease of use! (use Style (CSS)) Change or disable any of used keyboard shortcuts Support: Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. The Sea Monkey is a medium-sized, intelligent fauna species with a habit of stealing interesting objects. The Sea Monkey is predominantly light purple in color, with a larger blue stripe going down from its head to its forearm, and a smaller yellow stripe stretching down to its tail. It has a pair of two-fingered squat forearms, each finger ending with a round yellow suction cup. The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client with an included web feed reader, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey is sure to appeal to advanced users, web developers and corporate users. Starten Sie Ihre Kopie von SeaMonkey; Klicken Sie auf dieser Seite auf den Link 'Installieren'. Sie bekommen eventuell eine (gelbe) Informationsleiste am oberen Rand unserer Webseite angezeigt, die Ihnen mitteilt, dass die Installation von Software durch verhindert wurde.

You can build a bleeding-edge, development version of SeaMonkey using the commands below. For complete information, see the build documentation.

Build prerequisites

Hardware Requirements:

The SeaMonkey build process is both I/O- and CPU-intensive, and can take a long time to build even on modern hardware. Minimum and recommended hardware requirements for Mozilla development are:

  • Recommended: 8GB of RAM (having only 4GB RAM and 4GB swap may give memory errors during compile)
  • 35 GB free disk space. This will accommodate Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition, the required SDKs, the MozillaBuild package, the Mercurial source repository and enough free disk space to compile. A fast SSD is recommended; the Firefox build process is I/O-intensive.
  • High speed internet

Installing build tools

If your system is not listed below, see the build prerequisites page.

Debian Linux:
Ubuntu Linux
Fedora Linux
  • Install Xcode Tools. Insert 'Mac OS X Install Disc 2', then open XcodeTools.mpkg. (For some Mac OS X versions, you will find it in a directory called 'Optional Installs'.)
  • Install MacPorts.
  • Run these commands to install the other build tools:
  • Problems? See Mac OS X build prerequisites.
  • Install Visual C++ 2013. Both the professional edition and the express edition will work.
  • You may need to install one or more Windows SDKs. See Windows SDK versions for a quick guide.
  • If you decided on the Windows 8 SDK, you also need the Outlook 2010 MAPI Header Files from Microsoft.
  • Install MozillaBuild, a package of additional build tools. (If you get a message saying this application did not install properly then you should see a windows dialog giving you the option to re-install with the 'correct settings'. After that all should be well.)
  • Open a shell window by running: c:mozilla-buildstart-msvc2013.bat. Even if you're on 64-bit Windows, do not use the files ending in -x64.bat.
  • By default you will arrive in your Windows user home directory which is likely to contain spaces in its path (e.g. C:Usersmyaccount). This can lead to problems later in the building stage. To avoid that, create a directory without spaces in its path (e.g. mkdir /c/mozilla-src) and switch to it before building (cd /c/mozilla-src).

Problems? See Windows build prerequisites.

Building SeaMonkey

Building SeaMonkey requires at least 2 GB of disk space and 256 MB of available RAM.

  • For a debug build, you need different configuration options in your .mozconfig file. This requires more disk space, about 3 GB, and twice as much available RAM.
  • Normally a shared build suffices for debugging purposes but current nightly releases are actually static builds which require even more memory to link. The support for libxul builds is still experimental but it should work if you --disable-mailnews.
  • On Windows, the above commands will create the comm-central directory in %USERPROFILE% which may be some subfolder of c:Documents and Settings on systems upgraded from XP or below. The space in this directory name, or in your user name if it contains one, will cause the configure script to break. To (possibly) fix this, cd to a dir without spaces before doing the 'hg clone' command above.

Running SeaMonkey

The SeaMonkey executable can be found in obj-sm-release/dist/bin/ (used to be obj-sm-release/mozilla/dist/bin/) on Windows and Linux and in obj-sm-release/dist/ 1password compromised website alert. on Mac.

How to build again later

In your comm-central directory, run these commands:

Then just re-run the '(moz)make -f' command above. (moz)make will only recompile files that changed, but it's still a long haul. An incremental build can be faster.


SeaMonkey is a suite of Internet tools including a Gecko-based web browser, an email and newsgroup NNTP client and an IRC client which has many of the largest networks pre-configured. Moeller port devices driver download.

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The application is broadly based on other projects by the Mozilla project including the popular Firefox browser and the Thunderbird email client. One thing SeaMonkey lacks, however, is the sleek interface of Firefox and Thunderbird. With its underlying source code being very similar to Firefox, the SeaMonkey web browser is fully compatible with modern Firefox plug-ins and extensions.

In terms of browsing the web, SeaMonkey may best be described as one for advanced users. It includes a lot of tools regular web browser users wouldn't necessarily even know exist. This includes a DOM inspection tool, an error console and a JavaScript debugger.

The browser also includes many useful utilities which often offer more management capabilities than Firefox or even Chrome. It includes a password manager, a download manager, data manager while also offering the quick ability to switch between profiles.

As an email client, SeaMonkey is pretty similar to Thunderbird; it supports IMAP and POP3 servers but can also connect to newsgroup servers and download content through its usenet capabilities. If you're looking to switch from another email client, you can also use an import tool to grab the settings and mail messages from other email clients like Outlook Express or Eudora.

SeaMonkey's client also supports RSS and Atom feeds which can notify you of updates.

Other features and tools offered in this Internet suite include an IRC client called 'ChatZilla', an HTML editor called 'Composer' and an address book which supports vCards.

In closing, SeaMonkey is a powerful suite of various Internet browser and communications tools which provide an excellent set of features for web developers, coders and advanced users who know their way around different protocols and programming languages all the while offering a compentent browsing experience for people who have no need to inspect elements or connect to IRC networks.

Features and highlights

  • Tabbed browsing
  • Undo Closed Tab
  • Session restore brings back all your open windows
  • Powerful Add-ons Management
  • Data Manager serves as a central management interface
  • Lightweight themes
  • Feed detection notifies you when web pages offer RSS or Atom feeds

SeaMonkey on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs

This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from web browsers without restrictions. SeaMonkey is available to all software users as a free download for Windows. As an open source project, you are free to view the source code and distribute this software application freely.

Seamonkey Vs Thunderbird

The program was created by the developer as a freeware product, but donations for the continued development are highly appreciated. You may generally make a donation via the developer's main web site.

Filed under:

Seamonkey Download

  1. SeaMonkey Download
  2. Freeware Web Browsers
  3. Open source and GPL software
  4. Major release: SeaMonkey 2.53
  5. Web Browsing Software

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